Saturday, July 24, 2010

Baby, it's just YOU & ME

WOW. July has flown by so fast! Well, all of summer has flown by! I registered for classes yesterday, so it's almost time for me to start my 2nd semester of college!! AHH! But with school starting comes softball starting..UGH. I won't be able to walk for the next few months coming! I hope everyone has had a great summer so far. I know I have!

LOVE. Short word. Many definitions. Different feelings. But how do you begin describing it? I'm dating this guy. He makes me BEYOND happy. We can do absolutely nothing, but sit around and watch movies all day, and I can be totally satisfied with my day. But everyday I'm with him, it seems like the more and more I wanna grow close to him, learn more about him, teach him more about me. Is this love? Am I falling in love with this guy? I'm not the type to jump head first into things without looking at all of my options, but when I'm with him, I get this feeling of security, and those butterflies just start going. I can see myself falling in love with him, that's not the thing. I just wonder if all of these feelings coming out when I'm with him, could be love?

We don't argue, which is a plus. We usually agree on everything, and we mutually decide on things to do. He makes everything about me, and I make everything about him. So it's kinda even. We always get in those cute little fights about who misses who more, and we finally decided, 3 weeks into the relationship, that we miss each other the same. Haha. I always try to persuade him that I miss him more, even though everyone knows it's true ;), but he insists we miss each other the same. The one thing I like the most about him is that if I don't like something, he doesn't force me. He accepts it and fixs it. He's 22, so he drinks a little. I'm not the drinker type, so he doesn't force me to drink with him. I don't really like him drinking, and he accepts that. He likes to drink, and I accept that. He said he wouldn't ever get drunk around me, which I so greatly appreciate because I don't like drunks. All in all...he wants to make everything perfect. Yes, he's the guy who sends you the sweetest texts to wake up to, and the sweetest ones to fall asleep to.

I trust him. More than I have any other guy that I've ever dated. He's mature, and responsible. He just likes to have fun. I know that if we go somewhere together, or apart, I don't have to worry about him hooking up with someone else, or trying to get with someone else. We can be in the same room, him on one side, me on the other, doing our own things, but know that if we need anything, to find each other. I like that I can turn around, and see him looking and smiling at me :) :) cute I know!! He makes my life that much easier. When I went to the beach, it was hard being without him. Even though I knew he would be working and sleeping 90% of the time...I still worried about his psycho ex coming around and try and take him away from me...needless to say...we don't worry about her anymore ;) But he took time out of his sleep to call me at least once or twice during the day and assure me that he cared, missed me, and would be waiting on me to get home...sure enough he was. Within 5 minutes of me getting home, his truck was coming down my road.

Reguardless if this relationship is a summer romance, short relationship, or a forever love, I'm completely satisfied with him, and making the decision to call him mine. He has made my day since we first met, and seeing his face will always put butterflies in my stomach. I pray everyday for God to protect his mind, and give him strength when he feels the world has walked out on him. Our next adventure is to see where we will go with our relationship. It could be another week, or a whole year, but where ever it is...I'm content with this decision in my life [[07.03.10]]
"Before I met you, I'd never fallen in love. I'd stepped in it a few times."